学》1998年第2期。 [9]952F.Ssupp.1119;1997 U.S.Dist.LEXIS 1701. [10]刘益灯:《电子商务中消费者保护的国际私法问题》,中南大学出版社2009年版,第112页。 [11]GEIST,MICHAEL A.Is There a There?Toward Greater Certainty for Internet Jurisdiction[J].Berkeley Technology law Journal,2001,16(3):1372. [12]张海燕:《论网络环境下的司法管辖权》,《长沙铁道学院学报(社科版)》2006年第2期。13Directive 1999/93/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 Dec.1999 on the Community Framework for Electronic Signatures. [14]Directive 2000/97/EC European Parliament and Council Directive on certain legal aspects ofInformation Society Service in particular Electronic Commerce in the Internal Market. [15]On the concept of mandatory rules see Jackson in contract Conflict,p59 et seq. [16]See Keller‘s proposal(pp.185-6)not to limit the parties,“freedom of choice”,but to giveconsumer the right always to invoke the protective provisions of the Law of his habitual resi-dence. [17]See J.Westlake,A Treatise on Private International Law 302(7th ed.1925)。 [18]Johnson&Post.Law and Borders:The Rise of Law in Cyberspace at I.B[J].www.cli.org/X0025.LBFIN.html. [19]See Lando,Contracts in International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law,Vol,III Ch,24,pp.26-37. [20]See europa.eu.int/com/internal2market/en/media/ele ccomm/composen.pdf. [21]Warner-Jenkinson Co.v.Hilton Davis Chem.Co.,520 U.S.17(1997)。(来源:法律教育网 编选:中国电子商务研究中心) |